Every issue of The Pen Woman magazine features a “Purpose-Driven Pen Woman,” a member whose work is having an impact on the League and beyond. Our national president makes the selection for this honor, and the selection is a surprise, including to the recipient, until the magazine comes out!
Sandy Rhodes Huff, Tampa Branch (Florida); Letters and Art (Winter 2025)
Sandy Rhodes Huff, Tampa Branch, joined the National League of American Pem Women, Inc. as a letters member in 1978. In 1990, she became an art member as well. She has a master’s degree in mass media and communication from UNC-Chapel Hill and a bachelor’s degree in business education.
Sandy has held many Pen Women offices, including branch president, Florida State Association program chair, and national art chair. She’s a noted photojournalist and travel and outdoor writer who has been published in over 1,000 publications and has written books about Florida waterways. Sandy has sponsored several Biennial photo contests and contributes monthly to NLAPW’s Commemorative Endowment Fund. She is a Purpose-Driven Pen Woman.
Elizabeth Lauer, Yucca Branch (New Mexico); Music (Fall 2024)
Elizabeth Lauer is both a composer and a pianist. Her works are mainly in the fields of chamber and vocal music. She began creating music as a child: turning nursery rhymes into songs. She earned her Bachelor of Arts from Bennington College (Vermont) and her Master of Arts from Columbia University (New York state). She was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship at the Staatliche Hochschule fuer Musik in Hamburg, Germany. As a performer, Elizabeth has been involved in solo work, as a chamber musician, and as an orchestral pianist. She is widely published and continues to compose, perform, lecture, write, and judge performances and compositions. She has won many Biennial music competition awards and is the music editor of The Pen Woman. Elizabeth is a Purpose-Driven Pen Woman.
Joan Applebaum, Holly Branch & Central New York Branch; Art (Summer 2024)
National Art Chair Joan Applebaum is a teaching visual artist who divides her time between Coastal Delaware and Northern New York. Her artistic inspiration comes from woodlands and waterways of Central and Upstate New York and Coastal Delaware.
Joan was appointed national arts chair in 2022. Since that time, she has overseen two Biennial and two Vinnie Ream competitions and exhibitions, and art submissions for the Shirley Holden Helberg Grant for Mature Women. She also gave art presentations at the past two Biennials. She is a Purpose-Driven Pen Woman.
Sunny Zank, Central Ohio Branch; Music (Spring 2024)
National Music Chair Sunny Zank, PhD, is an amazing composer, a gifted violinist who has played in orchestras on several continents, an acclaimed university professor, and a highly skilled performer and teacher. She has a doctorate from the University of Northern Colorado and is professor of music emerita of Ohio Northern University. She teaches strings and piano to a wide variety of students. Sunny is an inspiring person who puts the highest degree of dedication and passion into every project. She is a Purpose-Driven Pen Woman.
Karen McAferty Morris, Pensacola Branch; Letters (Winter 2024)
Karen McAferty Morris, 10-year member of the Pensacola Branch and national letters chair, was awarded first place in three categories at the Florida State Association’s 2023 Conference. Her work was also recently recognized in the Alabama State Poetry Society’s Fall Contest and appeared in Amethyst Journal.
Morris served as The Pen Woman magazine’s poetry editor, currently serves as a proofreader, and has written numerous articles for the magazine. She is the FSA second vice president and the immediate past president. She was named FSA’s Pen Woman of the Year in 2021 and served as its letters competition chair in 2019. She was Pensacola’s Poet Laureate for three years and has facilitated workshops, co-sponsored writing contests with the local literary society, and produced a poetry reading for the community. Morris was also a member of the editing team of “Nobis II,” the Pensacola Branch’s 2023 anthology; and editor of the previous anthology, “Nobis.” Her prose poem, “Snowline,” will appear in the winter issue of Canary, a “literary magazine of the environmental crisis.” Morris is a gifted writer and a Purpose-Driven Woman.
Winifred Thompson, Diablo/Alameda Branch; Art and Letters (Fall 2023)
Winifred Thompson has served her branch as president for the last 16 years. She is also the branch membership chair and the current National art credentials officer. She is an oil, watercolor, and pastel artist and the author of several books, including “Fast Forward to Phonics – Learn to Read English” and “My Name is America – A Collection of Life Stories.”
Winnie is a Pen Woman who demonstrates daily her love and commitment to Pen Women. Always helpful, she works diligently to maintain a healthy branch where her members can thrive. She shares that same energy and positive attitude with members in the Northern California Association of Pen Women, where she initiated the Celebrate Women Art Shows that have brought all of the NorCal branches together. Winnie is a Purpose-Driven Pen Woman.
Meletha Everett, Tampa Branch; Art (Summer 2023)
Meletha Everett joined the National League of American Pen Women, Inc. as an art member in 1993. Since joining the League 30 years ago, she has served as Tampa Branch president, Florida State president, and National Board member. Her dedicated leadership and service in encouraging and promoting creative woman in art, letters, and music is an inspiration to many and an example of a Purpose-Driven Pen Woman.
Marcia Foster Dunscomb, Atlanta Branch; Letters and Music (Spring 2023)
Marcia Foster Dunscomb is a composer, author, educator, and pianist who joined the Atlanta Branch as a letters member in 2007. Since becoming a music member in 2013, she has been promoting music members in their development. She is the National music credentials officer and a former music editor of The Pen Woman. As a clinician and adjudicator, Marcia is a pioneer in the field of teaching jazz and improvisation to young children. She is also a contributing author for numerous publications. She is a strong supporter of NLAPW and a purpose-driven Pen Woman.
Janine DeBaise, Central New York Branch; Letters (Winter 2023)
Shortly after joining the Central New York Branch in September 2018, Janine DeBaise became the branch membership chair. In July 2020, she became the National letters credentials officer, a position she holds today. In December, she was named president of the Central New York Branch. Janine is the author of two collections of poetry, “Body Language” and “Of a Feather.” Her essays have appeared in Orion Magazine, the Southwest Review, the Hopper, and numerous other journals. She won the Vinnie Ream Medal in 2019 for her essay, “The Space Between.” She teaches writing and literature at SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry. She is a strong supporter of NLAPW and a purpose-driven woman.
Sheila Firestone, Boca Raton Branch; Music (Fall 2022)
Since joining the National League of American Pen Women, Inc. in July of 2003, Sheila Firestone has been a staunch supporter of the League and its music members. A member of the Boca Raton Branch, Sheila is well known for her creative compositions and performances. She has received numerous awards. In the 2020 Biennial Music Competition, Sheila’s composition “The Forest Primeval” was awarded first place and “Lakeside Walk with Joe” received third place. She played several of her compositions during the 2022 Biennial Music Performance and Awards Program, hosted at Pen Arts, in April. Sheila is a devoted member of NLAPW and a purpose-driven Pen Woman.
Evelyn B. Wofford, Delta Branch; Letters (Summer 2022)
For the past four years, Evelyn B. Wofford has served as president of the NLAPW and has been a fierce advocate for the League. While much has been accomplished for the League during her tenure, her three top accomplishments include bringing the Pen Arts Building to life with many musical performances, including those by the Washington Arts Ensemble, the Washington Opera Society, CapitalBop, and several jazz ensembles, and with numerous writing and art workshops; having the vision to open up the lower level to create the Pen Arts Gallery, now a popular art gallery in the Dupont Circle area; and most importantly, working with D.C. government officials to eliminate the annual property tax of just under $50,000. Evelyn B. Wofford is indeed purpose-driven and a role model of service to the League.
Luanna K. Leisure, Santa Clara County Branch; Art and Letters (Spring 2022)
National Membership Committee Chair Luanna K. Leisure has been an asset to NLAPW since she joined her branch as an associate member in letters in 2012. She became an active letters member in 2015 and received active membership in art in 2020. Luanna currently serves as president of her branch and has held numerous other positions as well. She states emphatically that her first love is being scholarship chair and delivering monetary awards to talented young women in the arts who are pursuing their education. Luanna works tirelessly to serve and promote the League at the local, state, and national levels. She is purpose driven.
Kathy Pate, Atlanta Branch; Art and Music (Winter 2022)
Artist, composer, pianist, and vocalist Kathy Pate has been an impactful member of NLAPW even though she has been a member of the League for only five and a half years. She has been an asset in the Atlanta Branch and a very valuable member at the national level. She has been chair of the National Music Committee since her appointment in April 2018 and has also served as music editor for The Pen Woman during that time. The many articles that she has written on various aspects of the field of music have been informative and enlightening not only to music members, but to the entire membership. She has been and remains committed to promoting and strengthening music membership in this organization. She is a purpose-driven Pen Woman.
Nancy Avery Dafoe, Central New York Branch; Letters (Fall 2021)
Author, poet, and educator, Nancy A. Dafoe writes across genres and has had 10 books published. Her writings have earned local, state, and national awards. Her essay, “Raison D’etre,” earned first place in the William Faulkner/Wisdom Creative Writing competition. Her poetry chapbook, “Poets Diving in the Night,” was a Central New York Award finalist. Currently, she teaches workshops in writing at various locations. In the six years that she has been a Pen Woman, she has served as president of her branch, national letters chair for two terms, and Vinnie Ream chair for two terms. Nancy A. Dafoe is indeed purpose-driven and a role model of service to the League.
Luanna Meyer, Honolulu Branch; Letters (Summer 2021)
Luanna Meyer, PhD, professor emerita, researcher, lecturer, writer, has been a member of the League only four and a half years, but she has certainly made her mark in that brief time. She is currently president of the Honolulu Branch and has been for the past three years. Most notably, she and Laura Walth, president of the Des Moines Branch, Iowa, put their research skills to use and over a four-month period gathered data from all the NLAPW branches to determine the feasibility of opening membership in the League to any person who meets membership requirements. The results of the study showed that the League is not yet ready to open its membership beyond current parameters. The study was professional and the report detailed — certainly the work of a Purpose-Driven Pen Woman.
Robin Johnson Moscati, Alexandria Branch; Letters (Spring 2021)
The Rev. Robin Johnson Moscati joined NLAPW in 2009 as a third-generation letters member of the Alexandria Branch, Virginia. Her grandmother, Lilla Wood Daniels, served as national president from 1952 to 54; and her mother, Barbara Daniels Johnson, held office and worked diligently in her branch. Robin has followed in these formidable footsteps holding branch office and serving as national fourth vice president and two-term national chaplain. Her invocations, which begin each Board of Directors’ meeting, are always an inspiration and set the tone for each meeting. She is tirelessly and selflessly available whenever her services as a counselor are needed. What a legacy from two other Purpose-Driven Pen Women!
ShaRon Haugen, Santa Clara County Branch; Art (Winter 2021)
Since becoming a Pen Woman in March 1992, award-winning art member ShaRon Haugen has immersed herself in the activities of her Santa Clara County Branch. She has been treasurer almost since the day she joined and has chaired or co-chaired the branch celebrity luncheon and the fundraising auction numerous times. She has served and continues to serve as an officer in the Nor-Cal State Association and has been chair of the National Election Committee. She has a strong knowledge of and appreciation for NLAPW. She is certainly purpose-driven!
Rodika Tollefson, Member-at-Large, Washington State; Letters (Fall 2020)
Rodika Tollefson is a purpose-driven Pen Woman. Although she has been a member of the League only four years, she is perhaps our best-known Pen Woman. She has been editor of The Pen Woman since the day she joined and has been website manager for the last two-plus years as well. Under her editorship, the League’s beautiful magazine received in December 2019 a Gold MarCom Award for design in the print media, magazine category. Rodika works diligently and most pleasantly to see that the website is current and the magazine is of exceptional quality. How fortunate NLAPW is to have this purpose-driven Pen Woman as a member!
Gail Speckmann, Minnesota Branch; Art, Letters (Summer 2020)
For the past two years, Gail Speckmann has been a dedicated and enthusiastic member of the NLAPW National Board of Directors and a fierce advocate for outreach in its many forms. She introduced the board to Zoom months before the pandemic as a vehicle for connecting our members-at-large, and the five articles highlighting outreach that she has contributed to The Pen Woman during her service as outreach chair form a compendium of guidance for our League. She is assuredly purpose-driven.
Lucy Arnold, Golden Gate-Marin Branch, California; Letters, Art, Music (Spring 2020)
Since becoming an art member of the League and the Golden Gate-Marin County Branch in April 2012, Lucy Arnold has been diligent in pursuing every aspect of her many talents and interests. She currently holds membership in all three classifications that NLAPW offers. Being involved in all the activities necessitated by her careers in art, letters, and music has not stopped her from being very active in Pen Women at the branch and national levels. She will soon begin another term as president of her branch and is currently art editor for The Pen Woman. During this administration, she has accepted two very demanding tasks asked of her by the president of NLAPW and has completed them in an exemplary fashion.
Janie Owens, Member-at-Large, Florida; Letters (Winter 2020)
Elizabeth “Janie” Owens currently serves on the National Board of Directors as chair of the Commemorative Endowment Fund and is the newly elected secretary of the Florida State Association. A former member and president of the Daytona Beach Branch before it disbanded, Owens faced the adversity that occurred to her branch in an authoritative, dignified, and determined manner. She was undeterred in pursuing a daunting task to its ultimate conclusion. Janie is a devoted member of NLAPW and certainly represents the strength of character that is expected of a Pen Woman.
Grace Joy Reid, Washington, D.C. Branch; Music (Fall 2019)
Grace Joy Reid, composer and professional pianist, has been a member of the D.C. Branch since 2009 and has embraced service since her first year. She began this service as secretary of the branch, and then accepted the role of treasurer. She has just completed her fourth term as president. She has performed at numerous Pen Arts concerts and several Biennials. During this time, Reid has home-schooled her children, maintained the household, served as pianist at area churches, and continued an active career in composing. Ten years as a Pen Woman. Ten years as a branch officer and an enthusiastic provider of her musical talents at the national level. She is purpose-driven.
Carol M. Cook, Member-at-Large, Raleigh, North Carolina; Letters (Summer 2019)
Carol M. Cook, retired professional communications specialist and fundraiser, joined the National League of American Pen Women as a member-at-large in 2004. She immediately immersed herself in volunteer work at Pen Arts. Two years later, she was elected national treasurer. Following her term in office, she continued her volunteer efforts at Pen Arts and in recruiting new members. Until her recent move from D.C. to North Carolina, she was a regular visitor to Pen Arts and volunteered her service at every First Friday event. We salute her as a Purpose Driven Pen Woman and will miss her smile and willingness to serve.
Susan Zerweck, Santa Clara County Branch, California; Music (Spring 2019)
Susan Zerweck, composer and professional vocalist, has been a member of the Santa Clara County Branch since 1992. A very active member of her branch and the NorCal Association, she has held numerous offices and is currently branch membership chair. She served as registrar for the past two Biennials and has agreed to serve again in 2020 for the 50th Biennial. Always willing to serve, she is a purpose-driven Pen Woman.
Sandra Seaton Michel, Diamond State Branch, Delaware; Letters (Winter 2019)
Novelist, journalist, and poet Sandra Seaton Michel is a 47-year member of the League. She has served as both branch and state president and began serving at the national level in 2004. Since that time, she has committed herself to documenting and preserving the history of NLAPW and conserving its archives. She brings to the Board of Directors a depth of knowledge that is much needed and appreciated by an administration whose membership is relatively new to the League and to the responsibilities of serving at the national level. Her service and dedication to NLAPW are a tremendous asset.
Lorna Jean Hagstrom, Member-at-Large, Florida; Letters (Fall 2018)
A 40-year member of NLAPW, Lorna Jean Hagstrom is committed to service. Before her branch disbanded, she held positions at the branch and state levels. As a member-at-large, her service has continued at the national level. She has held numerous positions on the board of directors over the past 12 years and has been a mentor and source of institutional knowledge for newcomers to the board. She has willingly performed any task asked of her or seen by her as a need. Her continuing effort to maintain a working inventory of the Pen Arts building and its contents, and her attempts to gain property-tax abatement from the D.C. government have been invaluable.
Sheila M. Byrnes, Central New York Branch; Letters (Summer 2018)
Sheila M. Byrnes is the epitome of a purpose-driven Pen Woman. Always willing to step up to the plate, she has served as president, vice president, and secretary of her branch and as New York state president. At the national level, she has held the positions of letters chair, historian, biennial chair, and fifth and second vice presidents, and is currently the first vice president. Her tireless efforts in support of the League and its mission are a model for future leaders of the organization.
Dorothy Atkins, Santa Clara County Branch; Art (Spring 2018)
Dorothy Atkins exemplifies a caring attitude concerning the well-being of all of her sister Pen Women. If someone needs support, encouragement, or inspiration, she is there to offer words of wisdom and motivation. Dorothy’s stewardship as president of the Northern California Association of NLAPW is a testimonial to her leadership, empathy, and perseverance.
Susan Eads Role, Washington, D.C. Branch; Letters (Fall 2017)
Susan became the League’s parliamentarian in 2015. Once immersed in the activities, policies, and vision of the League, she enthusiastically became a Pen Woman. Susan subsequently took a position on the D.C. Branch Board, and personally recruited several new members. As of July 2017, she is fulfilling the retitled part-time headquarters position as NLAPW director of operations, to which she brings her zeal, professional background as an attorney and Professional Registered Parliamentarian, and honed organizational skills to bear.
Judy Bingman, Santa Clara County Branch, California; Art (Summer 2017)
Judy Bingman has the ability to capture a moment in time, whether it be the quizzical gaze of a fox, majestic wings of a bird in flight, the beauty of the swirling wheat fields of the Palouse Hills, or clouds framing the magnificence of jagged Alaska peaks. Her capability as an artist is equally matched by her dedication to Pen Women, and she chose to include the National League of American Pen Women, Inc., in her estate plan. Judy works tirelessly for her Santa Clara Branch, NorCal, and our national organization.
Bev Goldie, Central Ohios Branch; Art (Spring 2017)
Beverly “Bev” Goldie, as membership development chair, wholeheartedly embraced this new position on the national board, provided definitive explanations of the new allied professional category, and emphasized the importance of the new music requirements. Like an analytical engineer who, when designing a bridge, must first examine the underpinnings to see that they will support the proposed structure, Bev addressed every new facet and option with unequaled passion and concern for capturing the enthusiasm of prospective Pen Women.
Patricia Setser, Jacksonville Branch, Florida; Art (Winter 2017)
Possessing the innate creative thoughts that envisioned the Vinnie Ream Exhibit at Karpeles Manuscript Museum in Jacksonville, Florida, Patricia “Pat” Setser set into motion a monumental idea for the League. She conceived the idea, nurtured it, and saw it to fruition with the opening of the exhibit on September 9, 2016. The event included stunningly displayed Pen Women art from the 2016 Biennial. Every Pen Woman in attendance was especially proud to be called a Pen Woman that evening, and it was because of the dedication and purpose with which, like an architect conceives a blueprint, Pat Setser launched this distinguished event with the Jacksonville Branch at her side.
Laura Walth, Des Moines Branch, Iowa; Letters (Fall 2016)
Inspired by attending her first Biennial in 2016, the League’s new outreach chair embraces her responsibilities with zeal and vigor. Laura credits the workshops and connecting with other Pen Women at luncheons and other events as elements in renewing her enthusiasm for the League. She is dedicated to learning from the past, focusing on the future, and using the present to accomplish our mission. Laura’s vision for outreach is to recruit and sustain members by connecting with branches and helping them find ways to encourage members to the 2018 Biennial.