Thank you for helping us raise more than $25,000 to match the McGrath Family Trust grant! You did it!
The McGrath Family Trust made a $25,000 matching donation to NLAPW in honor of Angeline Nanni, the last remaining member of World War II and Cold War era code breakers. The donation was given during her 100th birthday celebration hosted by her family at Pen Arts.
The McGrath family feels the League deserves the funds because it broke barriers in its founding and continues in that tradition today (click to read the bequest letter).
You can still make a donation — use the PayPal donation button below.
How We’ll Spend the Funds
While the financial needs of the League are many, at a recent meeting, board members set priorities for the funds based on our mission and long-range plan.
The plan covers five basic components:
- Increase membership
- Enhance membership services
- Create methods for outreach
- Increase presence in print and social media
- Operate budget in the black and build additional reserves and endowment
In keeping with these objectives, the priorities for this grant include:
- Upgrading our technology (website platform, computer operating system and software, social media presence) so that our primary means of communication efficiently address all five areas of the plan.
- Creating funds for competition awards, grants, and scholarships. Our current funds are almost depleted, and we truly need additional opportunities to offer members and nonmembers (outreach, member services, additional reserves).
- Addressing needs associated with the opening of the new Pen Arts Gallery and Workshop and with the hanging of additional art throughout the building. Enhanced lighting, a portable sound system, minor cosmetic alterations are among these needs (membership, services, outreach).
Thank you to the McGrath Family Trust — and to Pen Women who have supported this fundraiser!