Featured Poem: Untimely Thoughts

By Judith Crystal
Greenwich Branch


Looking at my iPad

The number at the top left hand corner

In simple sans serif numerals is 5:59


The hand of the illustrated clock face at the center of the page

Points to the 2 of the simply painted 12

Decidedly 6 a.m.

What is the time?

Am I held still in the quiet of 5

An unseemly hour to be canvassing emails

A symbol of another night’s fractured sleep

Missing you in our bed


Is it acceptable, unthreatening

Already morning

Really not too early to begin my day

Orange juice and oatmeal

Coffee and the local paper

Asking Alexa for the weather

Acceptance or avoidance

Is it a question of art or science

A philosophical struggle

Or a decision based on manufacturing cost

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