Featured Prose: Forever Sunday

By R.D. Petti
Sarasota Branch


Sunday has come to have a whole new meaning for me. Traditionally revered as the day of rest, Sunday is the day we can take a break from the weekday’s busyness. It is a day of unplugging from the grid, unwinding, indulging in our passions, breaking bread with family and friends, frequenting favorite places, or exploring new haunts. It’s a feel-good sort of day, a soul-satisfying day of relaxation and peace of mind derived from personally meaningful pursuits reserved for Sundays.

What if every day could be a feel-good day like Sunday? Is it possible to hold onto the relaxed feeling of well-being throughout the week while conducting work and home responsibilities, dealing with daily stressors, and getting on with the business of life? Is it possible to live our lives influenced by and grounded in calming serenity?

A calm mind could help us speak without harsh or hurtful words, act with kindness, and have positive thoughts. These attributes have the delightful side effect of serving as a feedback loop to reinforce our sense of well-being. The more peaceful our interactions with others, the happier we are with ourselves. That mindset helps us to stay on an even keel with whatever life throws our way without resorting to anger or stress, without projecting blame on others or berating ourselves with brutal self-criticism.

How do we nurture a state of tranquility in our hearts and mind? As a recovering worrywart, I’ve learned how to take a vacation from my rampant thoughts and endless fretting. I’ve taught myself how not to react to disturbing events with stress and panic. Quite simply I allow my mind to go on vacation, to leave behind the fear and worry I’ve created.

As it happens when we’re on vacation, we are enchanted by the discovery of novel places, cultures, and peoples. Away from the familiarity of home, it’s easy to detach from the everyday stuff of life and to be fully present in our new surroundings. The magic of vacation springs from these moments of freedom from to-do lists, lingering concerns, and lurking worries. That sense of freedom morphs into tranquility and settles into an overarching feeling of well-being. The feeling you recognize from those feel-good Sundays.

By approaching each day as though it were a Sunday, we can ease into a relaxed state and opt to take a vacation from mind clutter and negative emotions. Through a consciously embraced sense of well-being, we eventually develop a “forever-Sunday” mindset, a mental discipline that liberates the mind from unproductive behaviors such as worry, anger, or stress. In other words, we approach activities, responsibilities, or tasks to be performed with the peace and tranquility a Sunday engenders.

So, treat your mind to a vacation. Detach from overthinking and fretting. Consider your surroundings, sights, and sounds. Savor the atmosphere of moving more slowly and becoming more aware of what is outside yourself. A relaxed mind deals better with life’s challenges. And your stress-free body will thank you, too.


R.D. Petti holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology. She is an author, grant writer, and a letters member of the National League of American Pen Women Sarasota Branch.

One comment

  1. Carol ehrlich says:

    Nicely done!!! You’ve covered the subject without sounding preachy, yet included important advice we all could heed.

    Thanks! I’ll try!!

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