Featured Poem: A Little Fire

By Carol H Ehrlich
Denver Branch


“Keep a little fire burning, however small, however hidden.”  Cormac McCarthy


Start with the fuel inside you —

the needs, the wishes, the memories.

Know them, guard them —

the precious products

of your heart and soul.


Then lift your eyes.

Look to the heavens.

See the hopes and the dreams

Of what else might be.

Reach out;

touch with care.

Bring them close

to stoke your fire —

to light your way.


  1. Claire Massey says:

    I love the way this poem amplifies Cormac’s inspiring quote. Thank you, Carol!

  2. Barbara Hanson says:

    Simply and beautifully coveys a powerful message That I needed today! Thank you,

  3. Patricia Setser says:

    Absolutely beautiful. Sending to a friend who needs encouragement.
    Thank you.

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