Featured Art: Path to Higher Ground

painting of a tree near a path

“Path to Higher Ground” by Lisa Livingston, Modesto Branch
Mixed media on paper (11 x 14)

Artist’s Statement

From the Eternal Oak Collection, this painting celebrates the unique beauty of the California foothills and the prevalence of oak trees throughout the landscape. It is a symbol of longevity and strength as it lives for hundreds of years and bears witness to the ever-changing experience of nature and life. In this piece, the presiding oak is shown near a walkway but the path is unclear. The loose brushwork and deconstructed path reflect the chaos and struggle that sometimes can accompany personal growth or ascent to a heightened awareness.
Lear more about Lisa Livinston at lisalivingstonart.com.


  1. Nancy Benson says:

    Lovely painting. It has a dreamy quality leaving the viewer to ponder many thoughts. The colors are muted with a touch of inspiration! Lovely piece. Thank you,

  2. Barbara Hanson says:

    Beautiful and inspiring! I, too, went back and looked at the painting again after the creater’s comments. Even more amazing once I understood the influence of the oak trees

  3. Bette Lafferty says:

    Interesting! Love the soft colors that seem to whisper in my ears. Great image! I can see the parting of the waters. In spite of the raging waters, the tree stands tall. 👏👏👏

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