Featured Poem: Once More With Feeling

By Audrey McHugh
Long Island Branch, New York


When a comet from the clouds

hurls a starfish to the sky;

when the earth gives up its matter

and the world goes rushing by,

Will the heavens be our lifeline,

another home to satisfy

our need to see it broken

and our woodlands occupied.

Will time on its cosmic flight

through space inhabit a wasted

presence of airy nothing

or celestial bodies sanctified,

Transformed one day to rise anew

a hopeful sun, more loving blue,

made once more for mortal men

an Eden beauty-bound again!


  1. carol Ehrlich says:

    How effectively you’ve pictured our shameful destruction of our planet, and the hopeful alternative we could choose! I’m with you all the way!

  2. Claire Massey says:

    We all need a hopeful sun, and more loving blue!
    Thank you, Audrey, for these beautiful words.

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