Fiction Submission Wanted!

By Sarah Honenberger
Fiction/Nonfiction Editor

Help! Pen Women nonfiction writers have been busy and submissions are varied and steady. But we need fiction from all you creative people. Excerpts from novels-in-progress or about to be published. Flash pieces that highlight the human condition and suggest insights into the troubles and joys of living in this new century.

Guidelines require word count of approximately 600, double spaced, indented paragraphs, Chicago Manual of Style (no caps, no italics). Most pieces require my edit for length and punch, but I always send back the edited version for the author’s approval. Poetry and book reviews go to different editors, as listed on the editorial page of the quarterly and the national website.

If your message to the national address at is returned to you for server errors, try sending it to my personal email address, This is your chance to showcase your talents.