Featured Poem: Pain

By Carol H Ehrlich
Denver Branch


‘A number between one and ten?”

He asks in flat voice

as though that’s all it is.

A number.


Pain is more than this.

A startle,

a grip, a vise,

a command,

a scythe that cuts you down,

a pulley that tears you away,

a nail that holds you fast.


All these in no order.

Just random, curse-like blows

that come with insult

and go at will.


Like some ghoul

pain shreds peace uncaring,

takes its time

and leaves no salve,

no apology.


  1. Claire Massey says:

    Sometimes, an honest and unflinching description of pain can act as a salve for both writer and reader. There is relief to be found, in calling a thing what it is.
    Claire Massey
    NLAPW Poetry Editor

  2. Patricia R Setser says:

    Very strong and real. I pray this is not your personally. Sending prayers for healing if you are the one in pain.

  3. Calder Lowe says:

    “A number between one and ten? A callous question asked all too frequently with mindless adherence to medical protocol. This poem hits with surgical precision and as for the last two lines, they capture what it is like for those forced to endure nightmarish bouts of chronic pain. Incisive and powerful, Carol.

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