Featured Poem: Painted Lady

By Dorothy Atkins
Santa Clara County Branch, California


While searching for the perfect face

I found suntan, beige, warm brown and brown

They all looked the same

Never the color of me

My lips longed for ruby red, deep purple and pink


Only to find an array of colors with orange undertones

Never the color of me

Eyeshadows of dusty rose to glitter pink would surely

Make me glisten, but not the color of me

An added bonus, buy one and get one free


I dusted my face with the one-shade-fits-all and walked away with a gift bag as treats

Never the color of me


Eyebrows and eyelashes by Cover Girl and Bobby Brown almost

made it happen.  Still not the color of me


Surely, with the many hues and faces the right ones would come along.  Still not the color of me


Not to fret, my dear Painted Lady


N95 masks have set me free


  1. Nancy Haskett says:

    Love the humor, Dorothy. I felt the same way when it seemed like I wore a mask everywhere for two years. No need for any make up at all! I enjoyed this one!
    Nancy Haskett, Modesto branch

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