Featured Art: Momentum

Oil painting

“Momentum” by Linda Larsen, Golden Gate-Marin Branch, California
Oil, 14 x 14


From the artist:

Influenced by years in the “field,” translating the color and light of Northern California into plein-air paintings in oil, I begin abstracts in my studio by choosing one color and mixing it with linseed oil and thinner until it’s the right consistency to pour onto the canvas. Then, intuitively adding and subtracting further colors, composing with relationships of the color shapes, possibly adding lines to clarify the composition, I continue with the painting until some inner impulse says, “That’s enough. Stop while you’re ahead.”

Another approach, considerably more physical, if I want to express an emotion, is to start with lines. Repetition and pressure create areas of intensity. The direction and movement of the lines can be very satisfying and will fill the space quickly. It can then be equally satisfying to scrape off or blur lines to create a cohesive image. The continuing intellectual and emotional challenge of abstraction, its visually exciting history, the opportunities for individuality, and the gifts of surprise offered by the paint keep me engaged as an abstract painter.



  1. Christina Laurie says:

    interesting that she mixes color with linseed oil and POURS it onto the canvas. I am fascinated with her process.

  2. Elizabeth Patocchi says:

    Linda, I love your colors in your painting. I feel warmth and happiness.

  3. Lilyanna Engleton says:

    Love your beautiful abstract. I also paint and I understand we have to pay close attention as to when to stop and finish the painting. I was recently referred to this group and am excited to have found it.

  4. Janet Clare Fagal says:

    I like the vibrancy and the colors in your painting. I also enjoyed reading your artist’s statement to hear about your process. As a poet and not an artist, I have a great appreciation for those who can create such visual beauty. I really enjoyed getting to see your painting, Linda. I think seeing it daily would be a real morning and mood brightener!

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