Featured Poem: In Turn… In Time

Susan Bassler Pickford
Member-at-large, Portland, Maine


Turn: Middle English; partly from Old English tyrnan and turnian to turn, from Medieval Latin tornare, from Latin, to turn on a lathe, from tornus lathe, from Greek tornos; partly from Anglo-French turner, tourner to turn 1100s


Fetus turned baby
In time
Baby turned child
In time
Child turned adolescent
In time
Teen turned nun
In time
Nun turned teacher
In time
Teacher turned wife
In time
Wife turned mother
In time
Mother turned grandmother
In time
Wife turned widow
In time
Grandmother turned poetic
In time



  1. Janet F. says:

    I can relate to the grandmother turning poetic. Though I have been a poet for much longer and was published before grandchildren arrived, I really enjoy the perspective I have now. Life goes by in a blink it seems and we should know that. So many stages, so many roles, so many chances. And then good-bye. We make what we can of our lives.

  2. Sandy Huff says:

    Nicely done. As a child, woman, mother, grandmother, these simple words bring up swarms of memories.

  3. Sara Etgen-Baker says:

    nicely done…reminds me of the words to the song, “To everything turn, turn, turn. There is a season, turn, turn, turn…) or something like that. Enjoyed..thank you

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