Poem of the Week: Upon Falling from Its Nest


by Barb Whitmarsh
Bayou City 2, TX Branch


Had it sung but one brief song

Known one moment of Spring

Taken one brief flight

Piped in one dawn

Or one night

Had it made one boastful call

To an unknown mate

Its brief life

Would have been

An enviable fate



  1. Sara Etgen-Baker says:

    Thanks, Barb, for sharing your poem. Spring has arrived here in North Texas along with so many birds whose activities and songs grace our front lawn. Sometimes I envy them and their ability to awaken life just with their songs. Ah, but your poor bird alas has a different fate… enjoy spring 🙂

  2. Kathryn says:

    I read this beautiful little poem while looking out our keeping room window. A fierce n’disaster is raging outside. I see a multitude of little birds coming and going to my three feeders … Chikadees, cardinals, blue jays, doves and other nameless varieties. These sweet little creatures, defying such harsh conditions tug at my heart as did this poem. Thank you.

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