Art of the Week: Reflection

Diana Kaye Obe
Pensacola FL Branch
Charcoal on tan paper

Reflection is a tribute to the original peoples who populated our land for many generations.  These ancestors greeted Europeans stepping down from huge sailing ships into the “New World” centuries prior.  A wide variety of native cultures still continue to contribute dance, song, art, and culture throughout the great land of America.

Lost in her reflections, this Crow woman seems demure, serious, and thought-filled in her poise.  A hint of sadness upon her face captivated me and I wanted to record her on her wooden seat, by drawing with a piece of the earth, a charcoal medium, to convey and capture, at the very least, a depth of nature in which the native peoples of this country lived closely for centuries.  I strive to honor her customs and beauty.

Diana Kaye Obe



  1. Sara Etgen-Baker says:

    you adequately captured the woman’s sense of sadness as she reflected her ancestors. In a way, it’s a universal sadness you’ve captured. Any of us who reflect upon our ancestors do so with a certain hint of sadness for what was and for what will never again be. Thanks for your creative expression.

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