Flash Fiction–Paradox


  1. Calder Lowe says:

    Paradox. What a perfect title for a flash which addresses that phenomenon we all experience at one point or another in our lives when the stresses of everyday life transform into something unexpected
    and magical without ever undercutting the very challenging dimensions that confront us within the arbitrary parameters of reality in the day-to-day.

      • NLAPW says:

        Hi, Dayle,
        Comments are held until the web editor (that’s me, Treanor Baring) can approve them. It’s a safety feature. I approve everything “real.” We have a spam filter, but still some spam gets through, and also, some folks out there in cyberspace just don’t know how to behave. Luckily, I’ve only had to reject one or two really nasty comments in the 6 years I’ve been doing this. Thanks for your patience!!–Treanor Baring

  2. marlene klotz says:

    Congrats! Right to the point. A thoroughly human description of
    af a woman with stuff going on in her life. It’s really good.

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